John Dillon: The Muses in the Platonic Academy Penelope Murray: The Muses in Antiquity Karin Schlapbach: The Temporality of the Muses: A Reading of the Sister Goddesses in Late Antique Latin Literature Peter Dronke: The Muses and Medieval Latin Poets Ulrich Pfisterer: The Muses’ Grief. Jacopo de’ Barbari on Painting, Poetry and Cultural Transfer in the North Kathleen W. Christian: The Multiplicity of the Muses: The Reception of Antique Images of the Muses in Italy, 1400–1600 Brigitte Van Wymeersch: The Muses and Musical Inspiration in Early Modern France: The Case of Pontus de Tyard and Mersenne Jan Söffner: Poetic Frenzy and the Afterlife of the Muses in Ficino’s In Platonis Ionem and Bruno’s De gli heroici furori Clare E. L. Guest: The Growth of the Pygmy Muses: the Muses in Italian Sixteenth-century Poetics Claudia Wedepohl: Mnemosyne, the Muses and Apollo: Mythology as Epistemology in Aby Warburg’s Bilderatlas